Coinlive reporting at the “Web3 Trends & Opportunities” event in Singapore in which Coinlive plays host to our very first grand-scale summit! The last keynote speech for this session by Dr. Simon J.D. Schillebeeckx, co-founder and CSO of Handprint, is titled “Rethinking Climate Tech: Carbon Tech to Nature Tech”. “Footprint is all the bad you can do while handprint is all the good you can do”, he says and explains that we need to think less carbon and more nature. He explains that a lot of companies fail to take meaningful action and the fundamental questions those companies need to address in order to change that is the value it has for the company and how the money will be well spent. He expounds on the scaffolding of trust that companies take into account: Faith (annual NGO reports), Social Trust (handprint-certified, continuous assurance through social and quantified impact reports, and Financial Transparency), Technological Trust (tech verification, and the factors of Social Trust), Audited Trust (bespoke project audits, and the factors of Technological Trust), and Accredited Trust (third party certification, and the factors of Audited Trust). He says that if your ambition as a company is to be carbon neutral, you have failed, because if you want to do something meaningful, you need to think of how to become nature positive.