Odaily Planet Daily News Crypto exchange WazirX announced the freezing of the first batch of stolen assets, worth about $3 million, six months after the cyber attack. This means that the investigation agency has identified the stolen funds, bringing the victims one step closer to recovering their assets. On July 18 last year, WazirX suffered a cyber attack, resulting in the theft of more than $230 million in digital assets. On January 14, the United States, South Korea and Japan issued a joint statement blaming North Korean hackers for the theft. Jason Kardachi, managing director and co-head of global restructuring business at Kroll, who is responsible for the restructuring of WazirX, said, "Through on-chain forensics and legal channels against third parties involved in the hacking and subsequent asset loss, the company is fully prepared to maximize the recovery of stolen assets and benefit creditors under the plan." (Thehindu Businessline)