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Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Moonshot (MOONSHOT)?
Read MoreMoonshot is a deflationary, self-regenerating automatic liquidity providing protocol that pays out static rewards to holders. As our burn address is in the list of holders, the total supply of moonshot is forever decreasing.
4% of each transaction is distributed amongst Moonshot holders. This increases the incentive to hold the tokens in the wallets. When nobody is selling, the price could moon rocket. WallStreetBets won the fight against hedge funds. Just by buying and holding, as the key to success. Every single Moonshot holder has an incentive to spread the use of Moonshot as much as possible. As more transactions take place in the network, the net-worth of every individual increases as well.
6% of each transaction is automatically locked to the liquidity pool. This contributes to lower volatility and a continuously increasing price floor.
Moonshot is the native utility token that is used for:
- MoonBoxes (a platform for initial NFT offerings)
- MoonSea (an upcoming NFT marketplace)
How Many MOONSHOT Coins Are There in Circulation?
Read MoreMOONSHOT Protocol launched March 29, 2021 with 1 quadrillion MOONSHOT tokens created at genesis. The launch was celebrated with burning 30% of the total supply and the circulating supply is forever decreasing as a small part of the transacted amount is burned at every transfer.
What is the all-time high price of Moonshot (MSHOT)?
Read MoreThe all-time high of MSHOT was 0 USD on 1970-01-01, from which the coin is now down 0%. The all-time high price of Moonshot (MSHOT) is 0. The current price of MSHOT is down 0% from its all-time high.
How much Moonshot (MSHOT) is there in circulation?
Read MoreAs of
, there is currently 0 MSHOT in circulation. MSHOT has a maximum supply of 1,000,000.00Bn. What is the market cap of Moonshot (MSHOT)?
Read MoreThe current market cap of MSHOT is 0. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of MSHOT by its real-time market price of 0.000000000117.
What is the all-time low price of Moonshot (MSHOT)?
Read MoreThe all-time low of MSHOT was 0
, from which the coin is now up 0%. The all-time low price of Moonshot (MSHOT) is 0. The current price of MSHOT is up 0% from its all-time low. Is Moonshot (MSHOT) a good investment?
Read MoreMoonshot (MSHOT) has a market capitalization of $0 and is ranked #4849 on CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile, so be sure to do your own research (DYOR) and assess your risk tolerance. Additionally, analyze Moonshot (MSHOT) price trends and patterns to find the best time to purchase MSHOT.